About Wisconsin FAST

What is the FAST program?

The Federal and State Technology (FAST) partnership program is how the Wisconsin Center for Technology Commercialization provides assistance to small businesses, helping them navigate the SBIR and STTR submission process. FAST provides the resources, support, and expertise necessary to submit a project proposal.

FAST provides the resources, support, and expertise necessary to submit a project proposal.

The Center for Technology Commercialization (CTC) is one of 33 organizations around the country to be awarded $125,000 by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for specialized training, mentoring and technical assistance under the Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program.

What’s going on with Wisconsin FAST?

Year 3 Content: April, 1 2024 – June 30, 2024

A Quad Chart and its use

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Kindling Connections: Dr. Robert Lochhead

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DoE offers ‘vouchers’ to work with national labs

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EPA to release SBIR topics in June!

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176 DOD Topics Open or in Pre-release

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Introducing TurboSBIR

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Year 3 Content: January, 1 2024 – March 31, 2024

NSF SBIR Spring 2024 solicitation delayed

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Helping innovators access NIH SBIR/STTR

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Tackling NSF SBIR/STTR Proposals

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Alternative method to using ChatGPT for grant proposals

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Innovators learn how to bring an idea to market

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Year 3 Content: October, 1 2023 – December 31, 2023

CTC created a robust process of On-Demand learning content via blogs, recorded video interviews and tips, and curated narratives describing paths to submission. Leveraging CTC’s On-Demand and web-based approaches to connect SBIR/STTR opportunities in targeted geographies, especially rural, these content pieces were circulated via social media, email campaign and through partner channels. Content is designed to reduce complexity and barriers to underrepresented groups.

What are appropriate lengths for the sections in an NIH Phase I?

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Tips for utilizing AI at your organization

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Move Your Tech out of Academia Recap!

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What you should know about SBIR Taxes!

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Navigating the Investment Landscape: Insights from the 2023 ESS Investor Network Tracks

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186 DOD Topics Open or in Pre-release

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Year 2 Content: October, 1 2022 – September 30, 2023

Challenge your innovation through Army xTech

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DoD 2023 Pre-release Announced!

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AFWERX 2023 Pre-Release!

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Adam Aerospace: Protecting critical data

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Why is NSF the program for your innovation?

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Workshop aims to ease collaboration between local businesses and military in future problem solving

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Can ChatGPT write your SBIR/STTR proposal?

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How will federal changes affect your research spending?

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SBIR 101 and CTC’s Services – Tips from Todd

Army releases open AI/ML topic

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DOD Pre-Release Winter 2023

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Kindling Connections: Expert Insights from Dave Schroeder

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SBIR Proposals That Stand Out in the Crowd: 7 Golden Rules

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CDMRP diversifies research funding through DoD

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Review considerations when writing DoD funding applications

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NDMSI hosts Untapped AI – Next Frontiers

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2023 Wisconsin AI Summit helps get your smart data solutions commercialized

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WI AI Summit Day 1 Recap!

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Recent FAST Event

AI/ML and Data Science Innovation

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SBIR Re-Authorization

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NSF releases FY23 solicitations to fund small business technology

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Launch of AFWERX 3.0

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Year 1 Content: October, 1 2021 – September 30, 2022

DHA’s shifting focus to innovation

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Space Force/SpaceWERX: A resource untapped by Wisconsin businesses

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Wisconsin Companies Tackle ForwardWERX Challenge

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AFWERX Fellowship Explained

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DoD Opportunities Abound

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New Flight through WI Air National Guard Collaboration

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A Peek into the DOD SBIR/STTR Review Process

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Air Force SBIR Supports Small Business Access to DoD Contracting

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Accessing Tesseract Air Force

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Crafting a Team for DOD Success

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Assumptions: Make them matter or you’ll waste time

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DoD Pre-release Announced!

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Innovation, a Language We Can All Speak

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SBIR Ready: Covid Catch-up

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Towards an Air Force SBIR Open Topics Challenge

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WiscLift: Leveraging key partnerships to take flight

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What is ForwardWERX?

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WI Veterans Chamber of Commerce: Our Mission is Your Success

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Top 5 reasons your Wisconsin business should innovate with the Air Force (AFWERX)

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Communicating with Gate Keepers

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Department of Defense Releases 22.1 Topics: NO AFWERX OPEN SBIR Topics

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Who you gonna call? A Technical Point of Contact

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CTC’s take on TechConnect

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Videos toward Wisconsin FAST’s Goals

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Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration