Pre-Submission Expert Panel Reviews

Pre-Submission Expert Panel Reviews

This free service helps clients increase their potential for federal SBIR/STTR funding approval. Our multidisciplinary panels mimic the federal agency’s review process and taps reviewers with experience in SBIR/STTR funding, technology commercialization and/or technical expertise. Our goal is to provide you with actionable recommendations regarding your draft ahead of your SBIR/STTR submission deadline.

This is intended to be a high-level review of proposals in final draft form.

December NIH SBIR Presubmission Panel Review

A free service for WI applicants submitting to NIH for the November deadline.

Register ASAP to participate.

February NSF SBIR Presubmission Panel Review

A free service for WI applicants submitting to NSF for the November deadline.

Register ASAP to participate.

Note: if you are applying for USDA review, please note so.

Review Panel Format


Clients register for the appropriate review panel event (see registration links below).


Proposals are emailed to CTC (Todd Strother and Rob Baranowski).


Proposals are sent to our panel of expert reviewers. CTC includes confidentiality measures to protect your idea.


Reviewers and CTC reconvene to discuss proposals and provide feedback. Clients DO NOT attend review.


Review results are emailed to clients with notes from CTC.


SBA awards grant to impact underserved innovators

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I appreciated the resources and help provided by CTC during my application for SBIR grant, especially the feedback from the presubmission panel review. The staff were very helpful in responding to questions and clarifications, even at short notices.
Dr. John Obielodon
ROBI Technologies LLC

About the NAIRR pilot and how you can access it!

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