
Army releases open AI/ML topic

The Army pre-released 2023.4 SBIR topics December 15 with an upcoming close date of January 31, 2023. Included are four topics with one open topic opportunity focused on artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML).

What are open topics? Open topics allow Dept. of Defense components to seek broad solutions versus specifying technology requirements. With the recent 2022 SBIR extension, all DoD components are required to offer at least one open topic per year. The change encourages new small businesses to engage in DoD innovation by seeking broad solutions. Changes may include PowerPoint applications and/or shorter written proposal requirements. 

What’s new in 2023.4? Army is offering one open topic focused on AI/ML. Competitive applicants will successfully complete and deliver a pilot technology within 3 months at $150,000. This suggests the Army is seeking existing commercial solutions that need vetting in Army use-cases. For companies with commercial traction, the open topics can enable you to test and expand your commercial solution in this new military market.

The application is expected to require a 5-page technical volume and 8 slide deck with the commercialization plan. Note the expected Phase 1 and Phase 2 achievement milestones.

How to start? Whether this opportunity or future DoD open topics, it always helps to stay updated  on new releases via the DSIP website. Note registration and certifications requirements in the released broad agency announcement (BAA). Familiarize yourself with military user needs as you assess adapting your technology. You can learn more through the Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO). Consider reaching out to the technical point of contact listed at the end of the topic description before the full release January 10.

Looking ahead? Join us February 8-9, 2023 at the Wisconsin AI Summit where we will feature DOD user needs and resources to leverage AI products. As DoD slates in their open topic schedules, there are sure to be consistent needs for AI-enabled technologies across all components.

Wisconsin AI Summit

Join us February 8 & 9th for the Wisconsin AI Summit as we learn from state, federal and military AI/ML experts about emerging needs for smart data products.
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Reach out today to get one-on-one support through the no-cost services at the CTC. Let us help  you with proposal preparation and resources including grants to support  proposal writing and post-award business activities. 

Tap into proposal writing expertise with up to $9K in grants to hire consultants

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