
Back to the Basics

Its been a while since we looked at some of the basics or preparing an SBIR or STTR.

Collaborations in SBIRs

Often I find that our clients don’t have all of the skills and tools necessary to be competitive with an SBIR.

NSF and NIH I-corps elevate innovators

We often talk about and recommend that our clients get involved in the I-Corp programs that some of the federal agencies have. The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are the common ones our clients tend to gravitate to.

Considering Costs For a Successful SBIR Project

When applying for your SBIR, your budget considerations include more than just your direct costs of research.

Important SAM Registration Notice for DoD SBIR/STTR Contracts – Alert from Todd Strother

We’ve become aware of a System for Award Management (SAM) registration issue from one of our clients that resulted in them not getting funded.

5 Tips for Winning NIH SBIR Proposals

In a recent Quick Chat, I talked with Tom Schwei, a financial professional who has more than 25 years of experience working with Wisconsin-based life science companies.

Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute to Plan Your Budget

Don’t leave your budget preparation till the last minute.

Make your proposal easy to read: edit edit edit!

An often overlooked aspect of an SBIR proposal involves neglecting to realize your reviewers are people who have to wade through a slew of proposals quickly and efficiently. Ease their pain!