
Sell your team through your biosketch

Why should an SBIR/STTR agency hire your company? While you may have a really innovative technology, it will be your team that does the work. Spending time on the biographical sketch is your opportunity to reinforce your team’s experience and highlight your credentials towards the specific role you will have on this company’s SBIR/STTR project.

Competitor discussion in your SBIR Proposal

A common topic to include in your SBIR proposal is a discussion on the competition. While we often hear our clients say that they “Don’t have any competition” or there are “No others doing this,” there is always some alternative that your customers can use or are using to solve the problem.

Competitor discussion in your SBIR Proposal

A common topic to include in your SBIR proposal is a discussion on the competition.

Will it work? What is Feasibility?

Feasibility is often a loosely defined term that might be difficult to pin down.