CTC’s Diversity of Innovation showcased.
Preparing your innovation’s Quad Chart – Rob’s Research
Quad Charts are an incredibly useful tool for giving a direct, digestible summary of your research innovation. Let Rob help you with f...
Watch VideoDoD Pre-release Advantages – Rob’s Research
See more about DoD SBIR/STTR and the advantages of accessing the program early, in pre-release, when pursuing your proposal. Get some ...
Watch VideoPatience & Persistence Pay Off for Estrigenix Therapeutics
Not all SBIR journeys are created equal but for Dr. Karyn Frick and Estrigenix, it started with our SBIR Ready program! Their determin...
Watch VideoHow do I
Brian’s Board – Startup Valuation Pt. 2, Benchmarking
What’s the most common valuation method used by Angel Investors? Benchmark! That is why Brian’s Board is here to walk you through what exactly
Accessing Federal Funds for Your Product Ideas
Join us for a discussion with Brian Walsh, CTC Commercialization Consultant and Michael Hendrickson, Project Manager at BrainXell, Inc., to learn how
Brian’s Board – Startup Valuation
To gain funding, you must go through start up valuation. Brian will walk your small business through the factors influencing valuation – like
FDA Regulatory Quick Chat with Anne Marie Finley
Your healthcare innovation needs FDA approval. But, have you considered FDA strategies that fit your business model and support the commercialization
Brian’s Board – Traction
When seeking external funding for your innovation, competition is fierce. Investors expect you to show traction… The idea of traction have you
Meet Manufacturing: A CTC chat with Pat Deno, healthcare manufacturing consultant
Knowing how manufacturing impacts your products’ path to commercialization can be the key to opening new funding and new partnerships. With over 30
Brian’s Board – Investors: Unusual Suspects
Brian investigated the Usual Suspects last time, now let’s dig a little deeper for those Unusual Suspects. Check out this episode of Brian’s