I occasionally get an email or phone call from a client about getting registered with System for Award Management (SAM), or perhaps renewing their SAM registration.
SBIR Support
A Bridge to Commercial Success- SBIR Phase IIB
Almost all of the big commercial successes from the National Science Foundation SBIR/STTR program have been companies that received Phase IIB awards, according to Ben Schrag, Senior Program Director of SBIR/STTR at NSF.
Top 10 Reasons to Pursue SBIR/STTR
There are many reasons to consider tapping America’s Seed Fund to fund your business.
Useful Stats: NIH SBIR/STTR Success Rates by State
NIH SBIR/STTR Application Success Rates and Average Yearly Funding by State (2008-2017) Shading represents the state’s success rate, while bubble-size represents the average dollar amount of awards per year.
Make your proposal easy to read: edit edit edit!
An often overlooked aspect of an SBIR proposal involves neglecting to realize your reviewers are people who have to wade through a slew of proposals quickly and efficiently. Ease their pain!
Strategies from Research to Commercialization
We often hear from entrepreneurs about the challenges in acquiring additional funds to further de-risk technologies and navigate through the dreaded Valley of Death. Accessing funds via the traditional SBIR/STTR programs can initially help you through risky feasibility questions.
Sell your team through your biosketch
Why should an SBIR/STTR agency hire your company? While you may have a really innovative technology, it will be your team that does the work. Spending time on the biographical sketch is your opportunity to reinforce your team’s experience and highlight your credentials towards the specific role you will have on this company’s SBIR/STTR project.
Competitor discussion in your SBIR Proposal
A common topic to include in your SBIR proposal is a discussion on the competition. While we often hear our clients say that they “Don’t have any competition” or there are “No others doing this,” there is always some alternative that your customers can use or are using to solve the problem.
Financial Plan Planning
The Financial Plan is often missing or weak in Commercialization Plans I review.
Competitor discussion in your SBIR Proposal
A common topic to include in your SBIR proposal is a discussion on the competition.