The NSF has recently announced a freeze on funding as the agency is beginning a search through all currently awarded grants to find those that may have been banned by recent executive orders.
About the NAIRR pilot and how you can access it!
The National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) pilot, is an initiative aimed at advancing AI research in the United States.
Navigating Section 174: A Potential Solution for SBIR/STTR Funded Companies
Before diving in, let me clarify: I am not an accountant, nor am I providing tax advice.
Tackling NSF SBIR/STTR Proposals
Megan Varnum, Sr. Principal Consultant at BBCetc, presented on the ins and outs of NSF SBIR/STTR Proposals to a group of 40+ innovators at Memorial Union on March 13.
How will federal changes affect your research spending?
We have recently become aware of a Federal tax change that will affect how you are able to expense research spending.
Not all NIH grants are created equal!
CTC hosted BBCetc, SBIR experts, for a well-attended webinar on January 17th.
Wisconsin “Accelerators” with Funds
Call it a thankless task, but a few months ago, I decided it would be a good idea to create a table of currently active Wisconsin accelerator-like programs.
Considering Costs For a Successful SBIR Project
When applying for your SBIR, your budget considerations include more than just your direct costs of research.
Tackling Your SBIR Budget
Dr. Mooneyham is representing, Superior Medical Experts, a new Service Provider approved by CTC to support Wisconsin companies to submit competitive SBIRs.