
Why should you participate in the pre-submission review panel?

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NSF debuts Fast-Track grants

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SBIR Road Tour shares helpful insights for innovators

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Investor Lingo

Pre- vs post-money? Capped vs uncapped? Convertible notes? Discounts? Is investor lingo driving you mad? Check out these Brian’s Board episodes to help you decode the language and better communicate with potential investors.

Back to the Basics

Its been a while since we looked at some of the basics or preparing an SBIR or STTR.

How will your company stack up against the investor diligence process?

Investors must evaluate opportunities before making a call and writing a check.

Collaborations in SBIRs

Often I find that our clients don’t have all of the skills and tools necessary to be competitive with an SBIR.

NSF SBIR/STTR Guidelines Changes for 2022

The National Science Foundation has once again made some key changes to their SBIR/STTR program and application process.