Established in 2018, Army xTech connects the United States Army with businesses and works to break down traditional barriers to receive funding opportunities with the Army.
Writing Tips
Impressions of a first-time TechConnect Attendee
TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo is a three-day event hosted by Advanced Technology International that brings together government agencies and industry partners with SBIR/STTR funding and interested innovators in National Harbor, Maryland.
Can ChatGPT write your SBIR/STTR proposal?
The advent of AI in document preparation will likely greatly impact how SBIR/STTR grants are prepared and written.
Manufacturing Matters! Conference Highlights
Can taxes be exciting? At the WMEP Manufacturing Matters! Conference, WIPFLI’s Rob Kane hosted Top 7 Tax Strategies defining opportunities for small business tax incentives that may be under your radar.
SBIR Training for Entrepreneurial Support Staff
CTC hosted BBCetc, SBIR experts, for a webinar on April 19th.
SBIR Proposals That Stand Out in the Crowd: 7 Golden Rules
This is not a rigorous treatise on proposal writing or Grantsmanship 101.
Preparing an Easy to Read Proposal
Making your proposal easy to read An often overlooked aspect of an SBIR proposal involves neglecting to realize your reviewers are people who have to wade through a slew of proposals quickly and efficiently.
Sell Your Team Through Your Biographical Sketch
Why should an SBIR/STTR agency hire your company? While you may have a really innovative technology, it will be your team that does the work.
Kindling Connections: Expert Insights from Dave Schroeder
“You’re going to get attacked,” said Dave Schroeder, a National Security Research Strategist at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. “It’s about how you respond.”
NSF releases FY23 solicitations to fund small business technology
Last week NSF released FY23 SBIR/STTR solicitations, with $85 million budgeted for Phase I awards alone.