One of the most valuable activities technology companies can do is go to conferences to meet people and organizations that can help grow the company.
SBIR/STTR Benefits
Are YOU Missing Out?
The Department of Defense issued their SBIR 21.3 Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) topics with a final due date of October 21, 2021. THIS IS THE TIME TO CONSIDER! After September 20, you will no longer be able to work with topic managers to determine fit.
DOE Funding Opportunity Announcement Recently Issued
Cybersecurity for high performance computing systems, biological approaches for bioenergy, atmospheric measurement technology and solutions for soil and water phosphorous measurements – these are among the diverse topics included in the Department of Energy’s current call for SBIR/STTR proposals.
NSF and NIH I-corps elevate innovators
We often talk about and recommend that our clients get involved in the I-Corp programs that some of the federal agencies have. The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are the common ones our clients tend to gravitate to.
Patriot Day 2021
It was a pleasure and an honor to be invited to the Patriot Day held at Volk Field and Fort McCoy recently.
Research vs. Building or Expanding
You can use the money to build your product, but that is not the primary goal. The goal is to do research to demonstrate you can feasibly solve a problem; building the thing is just one part of the means to that end.
Accessing Federal Funds for Your Product Ideas
CTC participated in UW Madison Startup Week November 12th, and hosted Mike Hendrickson from BrainXell for a conversation on the SBIR/STTR Program, how to access the program and how BrainXell has moved forward thanks to those federal funds.
Top 10 Reasons to Pursue SBIR/STTR
There are many reasons to consider tapping America’s Seed Fund to fund your business.
Make beginning a 1st draft less daunting with these simple steps
Don’t know where to start?? Follow our guide to building the first draft of your SBIR proposal.
Is SBIR/STTR a Fit for Me? Take the T.E.S.T
Is SBIR/STTR a Fit for Me? Take the T.E.S.T Here is a simple test with some Go – No Go criteria to see if SBIR/STTR is a fit for your company.