If you are thinking about taking your tech and getting R&D funding for your small business consider the NSF SBIR Program – a $2 million + opportunity for your business.
SBIR Support
AFWERX 2023 Pre-Release!
The Department of Defense has pre-released the Department of the Air Force’s SBIR CSO X23.
DoD 2023 Pre-release Announced!
The Department of Defense has ‘pre-released’ the fall 2023 round of SBIR and STTR Broad Area Announcements (BAA’s).
Welcome Rob Baranowski
Wisconsin CTC would like to welcome our new Technology Consultant, Rob Baranowski.
Impressions of a first-time TechConnect Attendee
TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo is a three-day event hosted by Advanced Technology International that brings together government agencies and industry partners with SBIR/STTR funding and interested innovators in National Harbor, Maryland.
Can ChatGPT write your SBIR/STTR proposal?
The advent of AI in document preparation will likely greatly impact how SBIR/STTR grants are prepared and written.
Access NIH’s Application Assistance Program
We would like to bring your attention to a recent NIH program that provides SBIR applicant assistance to small businesses who have not been funded with an SBIR, even if you’ve previously applied.
NDMSI hosts Untapped AI – Next Frontiers
The Northwestern Mutual Data Science Institute (NMDSI) hosted Untapped AI-Next Frontiers featuring academic and corporate research leaders applying AI to emerging business and social impact spaces.
SBIR Training for Entrepreneurial Support Staff
CTC hosted BBCetc, SBIR experts, for a webinar on April 19th.
The Applicant Assistance Program (AAP) is a free 10-week NIH program that supports businesses that have not received NIH SBIR/STTR funding before, through mentoring and customized assistant.