tist entrepreneurs Connie Lebakken and Carol Hirschmugl started their companies they never imagined they would be meeting with a cabinet-level official in the federal government.
SBIR Support
NSF and NIH I-corps elevate innovators
We often talk about and recommend that our clients get involved in the I-Corp programs that some of the federal agencies have. The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are the common ones our clients tend to gravitate to.
Patriot Day 2021
It was a pleasure and an honor to be invited to the Patriot Day held at Volk Field and Fort McCoy recently.
Research vs. Building or Expanding
You can use the money to build your product, but that is not the primary goal. The goal is to do research to demonstrate you can feasibly solve a problem; building the thing is just one part of the means to that end.
Phew—All those Policies!
“Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.” As I stated in my recent video, there are many policies that might impact your ability to both submit, and worse, to receive SBIR funding.
Considering Costs For a Successful SBIR Project
When applying for your SBIR, your budget considerations include more than just your direct costs of research.
Important SAM Registration Notice for DoD SBIR/STTR Contracts – Alert from Todd Strother
We’ve become aware of a System for Award Management (SAM) registration issue from one of our clients that resulted in them not getting funded.
You’re At the Finish Line! Preparing for Just In Time (JIT) Paperwork
You’ve done the hard work….at least up until now. You worked for months to polish up your proposal, get the budget together, collect your letters of commercial interest, validated that your company and PI are eligible to receive an SBIR or STTR, and got everything submitted.
Accessing Federal Funds for Your Product Ideas
CTC participated in UW Madison Startup Week November 12th, and hosted Mike Hendrickson from BrainXell for a conversation on the SBIR/STTR Program, how to access the program and how BrainXell has moved forward thanks to those federal funds.
5 Tips for Winning NIH SBIR Proposals
In a recent Quick Chat, I talked with Tom Schwei, a financial professional who has more than 25 years of experience working with Wisconsin-based life science companies.