The NSF has recently announced a freeze on funding as the agency is beginning a search through all currently awarded grants to find those that may have been banned by recent executive orders.
NSF debuts Fast-Track grants
The NSF has recently debuted a new Fast-Track program for its SBIR and STTR programs.
Tackling NSF SBIR/STTR Proposals
Megan Varnum, Sr. Principal Consultant at BBCetc, presented on the ins and outs of NSF SBIR/STTR Proposals to a group of 40+ innovators at Memorial Union on March 13.
NSF SBIR Spring 2024 solicitation delayed
The NSF announced recently that it would be delaying its 2024 SBIR/STTR solicitation for a few weeks.
Why is NSF the program for your innovation?
If you are thinking about taking your tech and getting R&D funding for your small business consider the NSF SBIR Program – a $2 million + opportunity for your business.
NDMSI hosts Untapped AI – Next Frontiers
The Northwestern Mutual Data Science Institute (NMDSI) hosted Untapped AI-Next Frontiers featuring academic and corporate research leaders applying AI to emerging business and social impact spaces.
WI AI Summit Day 1 Recap!
Day 1 of the WI AI Summit hosted four expert panels discussing artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML).
NSF releases FY23 solicitations to fund small business technology
Last week NSF released FY23 SBIR/STTR solicitations, with $85 million budgeted for Phase I awards alone.
NSF SBIR/STTR Guidelines Changes for 2022
The National Science Foundation has once again made some key changes to their SBIR/STTR program and application process.
NSF and NIH I-corps elevate innovators
We often talk about and recommend that our clients get involved in the I-Corp programs that some of the federal agencies have. The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are the common ones our clients tend to gravitate to.