We are excited to offer this on-demand learning opportunity for Innovate Week!
Have you considered federal funding to develop your technology’s commercial potential, but aren’t sure where to start? Multiple federal agencies provide grants and contracts for development research to solve significant problems and mitigate technical risk through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. Faculty, staff, postdocs and graduate students are often key players in idea generation, research and development, and the companies bringing technology to market. Get an introduction to funding opportunities plus individualized guidance from the Center for Technology Commercialization, through “Federal Funding to Develop a Commercial Product,” which combines on-demand learning and individual consultation with an expert. You’ll end up with a better understanding of funding opportunities, how to apply, and next steps for bringing your technology to market.

First, browse through or dig into content at SBIR 101 to learn “Why SBIR,” walk through what federal agencies are looking for, and explore options for your idea.
Next, schedule a 20-minute consultation with Dr. Todd Strother, Senior Technology Consultant
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