
DoE Phase I 2024 topics now open

DOE Open Topics

The Department of Energy has officially issued its Release 1 Phase I topics, with letters of intent due on August 26, 2024. This will be the first release for Energy this year, with a second release of topics expected in early November. The topics are now available.

Energy’s Phase 0 SBIR assistance program also started July 8th. This program helps eligible first time Energy applicants with their initial SBIR or STTR grant. This project links first time Energy applicants with Dawnbreaker, a nationally-recognized commercialization assistance provider. Previous Energy applicants who have already used Dawnbreaker’s services could qualify for a micro-grant worth up to $4500 from the CTC to hire a service provider to assist with the application process for their current projects. 

A typical topic will look like this (sample from 2023 topics):

As can be seen, each topic will indicate whether it allows SBIR, STTR, or both types of applicants, the maximum amount of the award, and an overview of what the agency is looking for in the applications. 

The Wisconsin CTC encourages its clients to apply for Energy grants whenever their technology lines up with the agency’s needs. CTC consultants are also on hand to offer a second pair of eyes to any Energy applicants. To learn more, email us at