Identifying federal funding opportunities for your network

For support organizations: Established Wisconsin businesses are missing out on $4 Billion in product development grants and contracts. Who wants to leave money on the table?
What will you learn?

  • How companies with 1-499 employees are able to evolve new products into new business areas
  • How companies can leverage, multi-million dollar grants and contracts to develop products jointly with partner companies
  • And how companies out of startup mode are better positioned to win these competitive awards vs. startups developing  their first product or service.

For businesses: If your company is involved in doing things high-risk/high reward projects that don’t qualify for internal funding, development of a technology that is in-licensed and/or evolving a new product idea jointly with another company, you may be able to use the SBIR/STTR programs to supplement your internal R&D budget or partially fund diversification into new business areas. Learn how your innovation and commercialization experience can give you an edge over companies still developing their first product or service. Why are you leaving money on the table?

We invite Wisconsin companies and support organizations to attend this event and see if SBIR/STTR funding may be the way to fund research & development needed to expand product or service lines.


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