SBIR Advance

Program Structure

Companies with a current/recent Phase 1 SBIR/STTR award may be eligible to apply for a Phase 1 Match Grant. Companies with a current/recent Phase 2 SBIR/STTR award may be eligible to apply for a Phase 2 Match Grant.  WEDC gives preference to companies that are early stage and have won only one (1) Phase 2 award.  Companies with more than three SBIR/STTR Phase 2 awards are not eligible for SBIR Advance.

To receive cash awards, awardees complete commercialization milestones designed to accelerate business development. Depending upon Phase 1 or Phase 2 match funding, activities will include completion of Lean Startup training, an approved commercialization plan or funding strategy, regulatory plan, or similar assessment as defined by the business need.  Below is an overview of cash awards and associated milestones.

SBIR Advance Match for Phase I Funding

Download Full Phase I Application Guidelines

Matches 50% up to $75,000 of Phase I SBIR or STTR awards

Grants are paid upon completion of milestones including: 

  • Lean Startup training and customer development
  • Completed draft commercialization plan
  • Successful submission of Phase II SBIR/STTR proposal and any final deliverables by CTC

Eligibility (Refer to Guidelines for full criteria)

Companies that are eligible to apply for the SBIR Advance Phase I Match Grant include Wisconsin based small businesses that meet the following criteria:

  • Current or recent SBIR/STTR Phase I awardees that…
    • Are eligible for and intend to apply for SBIR/STTR Phase II funding, and
    • Are currently conducting a Phase I project, or
    • Have completed a Phase I project, and are still eligible to submit a Phase II proposal.
  • Have identified a commercial team of at least 3 active participants including company senior leadership and agree to participate in all sessions of the Lean Startup Training Program outlined on the course syllabus.
  • Companies that previously completed three or more Phase II SBIR/STTR awards (and the last one completed within the last five years) are not eligible for SBIR Advance matching funds.
  • Companies that previously completed three or more Phase II SBIR/STTR awards (and the last one completed within the last five years) are not eligible for SBIR Advance matching funds.

SBIR/STTR Phase I Match Milestones

Phase I award match: Matches 50% up to $75K of Phase I SBIR or STTR awards. Grants paid upon completion of milestones including: 1) Lean Startup training and customer development; 2) Completed draft commercialization plan; and 3) Successful submission of Phase II SBIR/STTR proposal and any final deliverables required by CTC.

Have a Question about Eligibility or Want to Meet a CTC Consultant?

SBIR Advance Match for Phase II Funding 

Download Full Phase II Application Guidelines

Matches up to $100,000 per year for up to 2 years of Phase II of SBIR/STTR awards


  • Grants paid upon completion of milestones mostly described by the company and approved by the selection committee.
  • CTC may include limited programming in support of Phase II-III discovery.
  • Companies must apply each year for a $100K Phase II Match Grant. Eligible companies can apply for a second year Match Grant after they have completed the first year match milestones
  • Companies with less than 1 year left on a Phase II award can apply for only one year ($100K) of Match Grant

Eligibility (Refer to Guidelines for full criteria)

Companies that are eligible to apply for the SBIR Advance Phase II Match Grant include Wisconsin based small businesses that meet the following criteria:

  • Current SBIR/STTR Phase II awardees that…
    • Are in the process of conducting their Phase II project
    • Have completed no more than three Phase II projects in the last five years.
  • Recent SBIR/STTR Phase II awardees that…
    • Have a Phase II award end date in the six months prior to current deadline and
    • Have completed no more than three Phase II awards in the last five years.
  • Applicants who have both a current Phase I and Phase II SBIR/STTR award should apply for an SBIR Advance Phase II match.
  • Applicants who have a previous Phase II SBIR Advance Match grant award must complete the first Match grant milestones before applying for a second Phase II Match Grant. These applicants must include a description of the first SBIR Advance Match Grant milestones and accomplishments and a justification for a second year of Match Grant funding.
  • Please contact Rob Baranowski to discuss eligibility to use SBIR Advance funds to match Phase IIB or other federal SBIR/STTR funding programs.

SBIR/STTR Phase II Match Milestones

Phase II award match: Matches up to $100K per year for up to 2 years of Phase II SBIR/STTR award. Grants paid upon completion of milestones mostly described by the company and approved by the selection committee. CTC may include limited programming in support of Phase II – Phase III discovery. Companies must apply each year for a $100K Phase II Match Grant. Eligible companies can apply for a second year Match Grant after they have completed the first year match milestones. Companies with less than 1 year left on a Phase II award can apply for only one year ($100K) of Match Grant.

Letters of Intent Due April 9th

in Phase II awards and Capital Infusion to SBIR Advance awardees
Jobs created and retained by SBIR Advance awardees
The CTC programs met what we needed, when we needed it, for the NSF stages. Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely, isolating experience, but CTC built a community of my fellow entrepreneurs going through the same tech scaling process that I was going through.
Paige Peters
Rapid Radicals Technology

Immuto Scientific Client Testimonial

Read More
The SBIR Advance award has been critical in the development of our company. The award has allowed us to conduct extensive market research, pursue intellectual property protection, and create a minimum viable product for soliciting feedback from potential customers– all of which have allowed us to take the next steps to bring our product to market. This program is essential for technologies, such as ours, that require a long time to market and extensive research & development and marketing work. It is only because of this program that we have been able to move through the different stages of commercialization up to the point where we are now. We cannot recommend this program highly enough.
Menachem Tabanpour
President, Nutrient Recovery and Upcycling LLC

SBIR Advance Supports Wisconsin Innovators

Have a Question about Eligibility or Want to Meet a CTC Consultant?

Don’t have an SBIR/STTR Yet? You can Win, We can Help!

Check out our Micro-grant Program that grants up to $9,000 to businesses pursuing SBIR/STTR funding.
Read more about our Micro-Grant Program