SBIR/STTR Assistance Micro-grant

SBIR/STTR Assistance Micro-grant

SBIR Assistance micro-grants are aimed at technology and research-based Wisconsin businesses, who intend to apply for SBIR/STTR federal funds. The business SAM registration and SBIR submission must have a WI address. The grants cover reimbursement of costs up to $4500.00, incurred by a business in hiring an independent, approved third-party to assist in the development of federal Phase 1 SBIR/STTR research and development proposal.

Determine Your Eligibility


  • Those starting or expanding a Wisconsin business with a focus on technology development, innovation and/or integration research and development that fits SBIR/STTR funding initiatives across any of the participating agencies.  
  • Primarily for development of an SBIR/STTR technical proposal and experimental plan. Companies needing commercialization planning assistance might consider the CTC Commercialization micro-grant.

How to Apply

Applying for a micro-grant and working with a grant consultant is the right track to be on at this point in your pursuit of an SBIR grant:

Contact a CTC consultant to determine if your project is eligible for an CTC micro-grant. We will help you connect with a federal program officer to vet an idea before you submit.


With the go-ahead from the federal agency, select your Service Provider from our vetted list and obtain a quote for the scope of work they will complete.


Create a new user account in our grant management software and submit an application for an SBIR/STTR Assistance micro-grant.


Work with your CTC consultant and your approved Service Provider to complete your micro-grant deliverables.

Request a Meeting

How to start and stay on that track? Let CTC be your assistant any time with any opportunity. Let us send you calendar reminders to alert you of funding deadlines, program opportunities and more.

Pyran works with the CTC very closely on all our SBIR/STTR applications. The micro-grant program helped us draft our first SBIR grant proposal(which was funded) by providing funds to hire consultants to help draft our proposal, when we had no funds of our own to do so. We have also taken part in pre-submission reviews for all SBIR grant submissions. We are happy to say the CTC has been a big part of us acquiring 2 SBIR/STTR Phase I grants in our first year of operations.
Dr. Kevin Barnett

Immuto Scientific Client Testimonial

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